Shomyo Falls, also known as Shomyo-no-taki, is a stunning waterfall located in the Tateyama Mountain Range within the Chubu Sangaku National Park in Toyama Prefecture, Japan. It is renowned as the tallest waterfall in Japan, boasting an impressive height of approximately 350 meters (1,148 feet).

The falls have four stages: the first 70 m, the second 58 m, the third 96 m and the last 126 m high. The greatest amount of water flows over the falls in the early mid summer, when the snow in the Tateyama Mountains melts.

Shomyo Falls shares its surroundings with its neighbor, Hannoki Falls, create a harmonious duo that graces the landscape. While Shomyo Falls stands as the highest throughout the year, its counterpart, Hannoki Falls, assumes the role of the seasonally tallest. This distinction arises from Hannoki Falls' intermittent flow, gushing with the melting snow from April to July, specifically when the snow on the Midagahara plateau thaws.

Their simultaneous presence paints a picture of synchronized beauty, emphasizing the interconnected rhythm of nature. As twin cascades, they share a fleeting moment in time, a dance of water and elevation that adds to the allure of the Tateyama region.

It's an immersive adventure that begins with a scenic hike from the nearby bus stop. The bus for Shomyo Falls will start operating in May until November. The bus runs between Tateyama Station and Shomyo Falls Bus Stop. After getting off the bus, you will walk 30 minutes to the falls and observation deck.

Nature enthusiasts and thrill-seekers alike are in for a treat as they traverse the picturesque trail, surrounded by the enchanting beauty of Tateyama. The hike unfolds through a verdant landscape, guiding visitors through the lush terrain that characterizes the Tateyama region.

For those seeking a closer view, there are hiking trails in the area that lead to viewpoints where visitors can appreciate the grandeur of Shomyo Falls.

Visitors to Shomyo Falls are treated not only to a visual feast of cascading water but also to an immersive experience where the roar of the falls and the surrounding nature create a symphony of natural sounds.

Overall, Shomyo Falls is a remarkable natural attraction in Japan, drawing nature enthusiasts, hikers, and tourists eager to witness the breathtaking beauty of one of the tallest waterfalls in the country.

Embarking on a trip to Shomyo Falls and the Tateyama Kurobe Alpine Route requires preparation due to its alpine environment and changing weather conditions. Here are some recommendations for a safe and enjoyable journey:

  1. Clothing:

    • Layered Clothing: The weather can vary, so dress in layers that can be added or removed as needed.

    • Waterproof Jacket: Bring a waterproof jacket to protect against rain or snow.

    • Warm Layers: Even in summer, temperatures can be cool at higher altitudes, so pack warm layers.

    • Comfortable Pants: Wear comfortable and weather-appropriate pants for hiking.

  2. Footwear:

    • Hiking Boots: Sturdy, waterproof hiking boots with good ankle support are essential, especially if you plan to explore trails around Shomyo Falls.

    • Warm Socks: Pack warm, moisture-wicking socks to keep your feet dry and comfortable.

  3. Food and Water:

    • Water Bottle: Carry a reusable water bottle to stay hydrated, especially during hikes.

    • Snacks: Pack energy-boosting snacks like trail mix, granola bars, or fruits for the journey.

  4. Backpack:

    • Use a comfortable and appropriately sized backpack to carry your essentials.

  5. Weather Considerations:

    • Check Weather Forecasts: Before your trip, check weather forecasts for the Tateyama Kurobe Alpine Route and Shomyo Falls. Weather conditions can change rapidly, so be prepared for various scenarios.

  6. Navigation:

    • Map and Compass: Carry a map of the area and a compass, especially if you plan to explore trails.

  7. Safety Gear:

    • First Aid Kit: Carry a basic first aid kit with essentials like bandages, pain relievers, and any personal medications.

    • Emergency Contacts: Have a list of emergency contacts and know the location of the nearest medical facilities.

  8. Respect Nature:

    • Leave No Trace: Practice Leave No Trace principles by disposing of waste properly and respecting the natural environment.

    • Wildlife Awareness: Be aware of wildlife, and maintain a safe distance.

  9. Check Trail Conditions:

    • Trail Information: Verify trail conditions, opening dates, and any restrictions before starting your journey.

  10. Altitude Considerations:

  • If you're not accustomed to high altitudes, take it easy initially to acclimate to the thinner air.

Always prioritize safety, and be prepared for varying conditions. Check with local authorities for the most up-to-date information and adhere to any guidelines or regulations in the area.


The Shomyo Falls Sightseeing Bus runs to and from Tateyama Station. There is a sign post outside Tateyama Station indicating the bus to Shomyo Falls. The fare is 500 yen (one way) for a 15 minutes ride.